Jess’s Guitar, Houseplant 2020 ctf walkthrough

The challenge Over the weekend we had the opportunity to participate in one of riceteacatpanda competitions and also compete against some of the best ctf teams globally. It was an interesting CTF i personally had a lot to learn from it, Today i’m writing a walkthrough on one of the challenges that had very few solves following up the hint provided we got to this video. Tricky Right!!… hha
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Hackpack 2020 Sound CTF Writeup

This challenge was among the most cheeky challenges of all running in the misc category Took me several days to finally join the pieces together as we are given a Wave media file by name Scottie.wav ……. listening to it gave beep sounds at intervals like a transmission which led to me deciphering the transmission as Slow Scan tv (SSTV) Now i had to decode that and two tools came to my mind ….
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