
points 100

challenge description

Agent Troll recieved some file but not able to read the data can you help us?

Author: White_Wolf Forbidden (link is dead but file is attached)


we are given a

$file data

on further investigation


50            0x32            bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k

extracting the file

$binwalk -e 

50            0x32            bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k

└──╼ $cd
└──╼ $ls
└──╼ $cat 32 

flag : Trollcat{M0zilla_Archive_maaaarls}


points 251

challenge description

One of our agent is doing something suspicious on the network can you find out?

file Hint: If you got a string it’s useful somewhere but it’s not a flag

Author : white_wolf Mega link


we are given a sus_agent.pcapng

opening the pcap in wireshark

file > export objects > http > save all

gives us a bunch of files but two are important in this case secret.jpg and welcome.jpg

secret.jpg contains a base64 string

$cat secret.jpg 


decoded to

$cat secret.jpg | base64 -d

which was the steghide password for welcome.jpg

└──╼ $steghide extract -sf welcome.jpg
Enter passphrase: 
the file "foryou" does already exist. overwrite ? (y/n) y
wrote extracted data to "foryou".
└──╼ $cat foryou 

flag : Trollcat{this_challenge_was_easy_right???}


points 495

challenge description

After getting trolled alot by Mr.Troll we finally got some files and now he’s hiding some secret with him your mission is to find that secret.

Challenge file link

Author: White_Wolf

NB://I did not solve this challenge on time


we are given a file trollcat.E01 of type

$file trollcat.E01
trollcat.E01: EWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format

using binwalk and other file carving tools will not be effective in this case so i decided to mount the image

sudo mkdir rawimage
sudo mkdir mountpoint

ewfmount file trollcat.E01 rawimage/

mount rawimage/ewf1 mountpoint/ -o ro,loop,show_sys_files,streams_interface=windows

the drive is now accesible and we can navigate through it we get a under favorites/drive

which contains an encrypted vhdx topsecret.vhdx the following writeup was quite useful


points 400

We have caught Mr.EvilPepo and now it is time for you to investigate him we searched his house and we got not much proof we got some report from OSINT department and Our OSINT Investigator told us that he mentioned on his socials “Hack Me if you can, i use same password Everywhere” we have dumped his computer memory and for further investigation we need your help. he typed the flag command somewhere and now he forgot it. can you find it?

File: Challenge File

Flag Format: Trolcat{}

Author: White_wolf


in this we get a memory dump file evilpepo.vmem

from the hint : he typed the flag command somewhere and now he forgot it we will use cmdscan plugin to recover the flag

└──╼ $volatility -f evilpepo.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x64 cmdscan
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
CommandProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 992
CommandHistory: 0x39eb60 Application: cmd.exe Flags: Allocated, Reset
CommandCount: 37 LastAdded: 36 LastDisplayed: 36
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Cmd #0 @ 0x37e550: helo
Cmd #1 @ 0x37e570: troollll
Cmd #2 @ 0x37e590: caaat
Cmd #3 @ 0x37e5b0: yooooo
Cmd #4 @ 0x39de90: T
Cmd #5 @ 0x39dcd0: r
Cmd #6 @ 0x3a2f00: o
Cmd #7 @ 0x3a2f20: l
Cmd #8 @ 0x3a2f40: c
Cmd #9 @ 0x3a2f60: a
Cmd #10 @ 0x3a2fb0: t
Cmd #11 @ 0x3a2fc0: {
Cmd #12 @ 0x3a2fd0: c
Cmd #13 @ 0x3a2fe0: o
Cmd #14 @ 0x3a2ff0: m
Cmd #15 @ 0x3a3000: a
Cmd #16 @ 0x3a3010: n
Cmd #17 @ 0x3a3020: d
Cmd #18 @ 0x3a3030: s
Cmd #19 @ 0x3a3040: _
Cmd #20 @ 0x3a3050: 4
Cmd #21 @ 0x3a3060: r
Cmd #22 @ 0x3a3070: 3
Cmd #23 @ 0x3a3080: _
Cmd #24 @ 0x3a3090: i
Cmd #25 @ 0x3a30a0: m
Cmd #26 @ 0x3a30b0: p
Cmd #27 @ 0x3a30c0: o
Cmd #28 @ 0x3a30d0: r
Cmd #29 @ 0x3a30e0: t
Cmd #30 @ 0x3a30f0: a
Cmd #31 @ 0x3a3100: n
Cmd #32 @ 0x3a3110: t
Cmd #33 @ 0x3a3120: }
Cmd #34 @ 0x3a33b0: hope you got it 
Cmd #35 @ 0x377860: "are you trying to run strings?"
Cmd #36 @ 0x3a33e0: lolololololol

flag : Trolcat{commands_4r3_important}


points 496

challenge description

Now After some good beating, Mr.EvilPepo saying he hides something on the internet. find it

Note: Use the file provided in Mr.EvilPepo Part-1



same file as above for this challenge from the hint ...he hides something on the internet. find it we need to check through some browswer history

└──╼ $volatility -f evilpepo.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x64 pstree 
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Name                                                  Pid   PPid   Thds   Hnds Time
-------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----
 0xfffffa8000ca0ae0:System                              4      0     78    506 2021-01-12 13:13:38 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8001bf6470:smss.exe                         256      4      2     29 2021-01-12 13:13:38 UTC+0000
 0xfffffa80028a7630:csrss.exe                         388    368     11    338 2021-01-12 13:13:53 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8000f0d060:conhost.exe                      992    388      2     51 2021-01-12 13:20:09 UTC+0000
 0xfffffa80028f9480:winlogon.exe                      420    368      3    109 2021-01-12 13:13:53 UTC+0000
 0xfffffa800344fb30:explorer.exe                     1568   1548     32    895 2021-01-12 13:14:47 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa80020de060:notepad.exe                     3120   1568      1     61 2021-01-12 13:22:27 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8003428a30:cmd.exe                         1492   1568      1     19 2021-01-12 13:20:08 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8003673b30:chrome.exe                      1932   1568     34    856 2021-01-12 13:15:05 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80036d6b30:chrome.exe                      912   1932      8     84 2021-01-12 13:15:12 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8000ee9b30:chrome.exe                     1292   1932     13    204 2021-01-12 13:16:11 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8000e9ab30:chrome.exe                     2324   1932     13    255 2021-01-12 13:16:05 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8000da1b30:chrome.exe                     2352   1932     20    248 2021-01-12 13:15:37 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8000e5cb30:chrome.exe                     2896   1932      8    181 2021-01-12 13:15:54 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8000d97b30:chrome.exe                     2556   1932      7    131 2021-01-12 13:15:38 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8000fc0060:KeePass.exe                     3908   1568     12    324 2021-01-12 13:18:05 UTC+0000
 0xfffffa80028ba060:csrss.exe                         328    320      8    405 2021-01-12 13:13:52 UTC+0000
 0xfffffa80027ddb30:wininit.exe                       376    320      3     74 2021-01-12 13:13:53 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8002da0b30:services.exe                     472    376     11    192 2021-01-12 13:13:59 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8003180890:svchost.exe                     268    472     19    484 2021-01-12 13:14:12 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8002fab440:svchost.exe                     668    472      8    261 2021-01-12 13:14:06 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa800142db30:sppsvc.exe                     1456    472      4    142 2021-01-12 13:16:56 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8003236610:svchost.exe                    4016    472     16    344 2021-01-12 13:18:10 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80030d5b30:svchost.exe                     808    472     16    311 2021-01-12 13:14:06 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8003441b30:dwm.exe                       1556    808      3     80 2021-01-12 13:14:47 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8003146b30:svchost.exe                     968    472     29    448 2021-01-12 13:14:11 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8003229570:svchost.exe                     948    472     21    332 2021-01-12 13:14:18 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80032145c0:spoolsv.exe                     832    472     13    265 2021-01-12 13:14:17 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80030d3b30:svchost.exe                     836    472     41   1162 2021-01-12 13:14:06 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8003091370:svchost.exe                     716    472     26    521 2021-01-12 13:14:06 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8003116060:audiodg.exe                    916    716      6    131 2021-01-12 13:14:09 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa800347b890:taskhost.exe                   1748    472      8    142 2021-01-12 13:14:48 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa8002feb970:svchost.exe                     600    472     10    348 2021-01-12 13:14:05 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8000ff1060:dllhost.exe                   2920    600      9    198 2021-01-12 13:19:42 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8000ea3060:dllhost.exe                   1852    600      6     89 2021-01-12 13:22:36 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8000dc3b30:WmiPrvSE.exe                  3400    600      7    114 2021-01-12 13:19:14 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80023e2060:svchost.exe                     784    472     25    264 2021-01-12 13:15:13 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa800183f650:wmpnetwk.exe                   1640    472     11    218 2021-01-12 13:15:01 UTC+0000
.. 0xfffffa80032173b0:SearchIndexer.                 1832    472     12    702 2021-01-12 13:15:00 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8003696b30:SearchProtocol                1960   1832      8    387 2021-01-12 13:15:05 UTC+0000
... 0xfffffa8000d9bb30:SearchFilterHo                1504   1832      6    150 2021-01-12 13:20:40 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa8002811b30:lsass.exe                        480    376      7    553 2021-01-12 13:13:59 UTC+0000
. 0xfffffa80020b7b30:lsm.exe                          488    376     10    149 2021-01-12 13:13:59 UTC+0000

we can see two browsers in use explorer and chrome

volatility lacks an inbuilt plugin for firefox and chrome so we will use a third party for the same

guide and plugins

volatility --plugins=volatility-pluginss/ -f evilpepo.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x64  chromehistory
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Index  URL                                       Defuse Security's Encrypted Pastebin                                                  2     1 2021-01-12 08:23:00.706346        N/A       

snipped for readability

following the links gives us an encrypted pastebin which needs a password to reveal the flag …..

looking back at the pstree results we can see lsass.exe

Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) is a process in Microsoft Windows operating systems that is responsible for enforcing the security policy on the system. It verifies users logging on to a Windows computer or server, handles password changes, and creates access tokens

for this i will use the hashdump plugin to recover NTLM hashes for all users

└──╼ $volatility -f evilpepo.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x64  hashdump
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6

user WhiteWolf since he was the author

echo "2e6a7cf5aabb33a044684dd9c97e88a7" > hash.txt
john --format=nt hash.txt
hashcat -m 1000 -a 3 hash.txt

cracking the NTLM hash for user WhiteWolf reveals the password as abracadabra using the password we can now decrypt our encrypted pastebin to reveal the flag

flag : Trollcat{secret_hidden_0nn_th3_1ntern3t}

alternatively you can use mimikatz plugin


points 498

challenge description

The Top Secret file of Mr.EvilPepo is still not discovered this is your last mission of finding the top secret file related to Mr.EvilPepo Good Luck

Note: Use the file provided in Mr.EvilPepo Part-1


i did not solve this challenge on time,

i do recommend reading the following writeup

….. Thank you for your time,hope you learnt something new :)